The True Cost of Underpinning: What You Should Know and How to Plan Your Budget

Thinking about underpinning? Let’s remove the guesswork and address the elephant in the room: the cost.

First off, imagine your house is like a Broadway star—your foundation being the stage. When that stage starts to creak, you can bet your bottom dollar the performance will suffer. Underpinning, in essence, is giving your home the necessary encore it needs to keep standing tall. So, let’s break down this financial performance, scene by scene. Read more now on

Permit Roulette and Engineering Fees

Permits, permits, permits. Like that extra guac on your burrito—unexpected and a little painful. Depending on your city or county, those permits might cost anywhere from $500 to $1,500. Then come the engineers. You’ll need one to survey the land and another to give the thumbs up on your project’s planning, ringing up additional costs of about $1,000 to $3,000. Engineers, love ’em or hate ’em, they’re necessary evils.

Material Costs Dominate the Budget

Concrete, steel beams, and labor—all stuff that doesn’t come cheap. Concrete alone costs around $100 to $150 per cubic yard. Imagine needing 10 cubic yards, and that’s easily a grand or more. And those steel beams, oh boy, expect to cough up around $200 per foot.

Labor: The Human Factor

Of course, no underpinning without some muscle. Labor generally accounts for 40 to 60% of your total cost. Skilled laborers don’t just dig holes—they create the supporting cast for your structure’s well-being. Depending on your contractor, you might pay anywhere between $50 to $100 per hour per worker.

Logistics and Unexpected Surprises

Don’t forget transportation logistics—moving all those materials isn’t free. And just when you think you’ve figured it all out, something unexpected crops up. You may find an underground river or hit some solid rock. Smart to budget an additional 10-20% for these curveballs.

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